Thank you for your interest in the United Way of Lee County (UWLC) Mini Grants!
Grants are available to 501c3 organizations in Lee County to promote wider impacts that increase our capacity to care for one another.
The grants are based around prevalent pillars of need in our community and are as follows:
Healthy Community – Improving the well-being for all and equitable health access through a broader array of interventions, including nutrition, food security, mental health support and more. Associated initiative examples may include:
- Healthcare access
- Maternal and child health
- Nutrition and food security
- Healthy spaces and physical activity
- Chronic and infectious disease awareness and prevention
- Mental health support
- Substance misuse recovery and prevention
Youth Opportunity – Helping to prepare young people to realize their potential from cradle to career. Associated initiatives may include:
- Family support
- Early intervention
- Youth mental health support
- Career counseling
- Youth enrichment
- Skill development
- Curriculums and resources
Financial Security – supporting programs focused not only on income (which may not be a livable wage) or financial stability, but on creating pathways to a stronger, more sustainable financial future. Associated initiatives may include:
- Adult education, job training, and career pathways
- Financial education and coaching
- Homelessness prevention, affordable housing, and homeownership
- Small business support
- Public benefits access and removing barriers
Community Resilience – addressing urgent community needs while contributing to long-term, systemic community strengthening. Associated initiatives may include:
- Crisis hotline and support
- Emergency preparedness
- Disaster relief and recovery
- Environmental stewardship and sustainability
Grants are available in lump sum amounts between $5,000 and $10,000 per nonprofit or program. Grant applications will be reviewed by a committee of local business professionals. The number of grants available and the amounts offered are determined each year by our United Way Campaign and Allocation cycles. United Way of Lee County reserves the right to withhold grants if funds are insufficient for the amounts requested, if programs do not meet United Way guidelines and pillars, or if applications are incomplete.
All mini grants are intended for use ONLY in Lee County. If a program is not based in Lee County but serves individuals in Lee County, mini-grants can ONLY be used to serve Lee County residents. Additionally, applicants must have an IRS 501(c)3 status that is at least two years old or more. Funds awarded from grants are not eligible for sales tax exemption, and grant recipients are not to be considered United Way agencies. We will call our grant recipients "community partners".
Applicants can only receive ONE grant per cycle. Previous grant recipients are required to submit an impact report by February 3rd, 2026. Failure to submit an impact report will disqualify that organization from future consideration. Organizations are eligible to receive grants up to three times for the same program.
Applications open at 8 AM on February 3rd, 2025, and are due by 4 PM on March 14th, 2025.
What can be funded:
- Existing or new programs/services
- Operating costs
- Salaries
What cannot be funded:
- Match funds
- Lobbying
- Reimbursements
- Training costs
Grant Timeline:
February 3, 2025 - Applications Open
March 14, 2025- Applications Close
March 28, 2025 - Recipients Announced
April 1, 2025 - Signed Contracts Due
April 4, 2025 - Distribution of Funds
February 3, 2026 - Grantee Impact Report Due
Completed applications and questions can be sent to Brynne McCormick at impact@unitedwayofleecounty.com